Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Identity & Self - WEEK 1 - Research Development

The tasks this week were really useful - the questions I answered about myself allowed me to identify who I am as a unique person, and how I'm similar to other people as well.

I enjoyed this activity and thought it was beneficial because it's inspired me to delve deeper into my personality as well as understanding what makes me an individual.

Later on in the week, I became more inspired by what i had collected about myself. for instance, using my physicality was a good starting point because they were easy to abstract. In terms of development, I used Photoshop to edit, repeat, rearrange, etc. the images to create different designs. 

On the first day found that I needed to think about the second task more carefully, because I felt that my memories I placed on the table had become mere objects. This was due to the fact they weren't in a surrounding that was memorable to me. Although, talking about my memories made me feel like I was reliving the memories again.

I drew/painted my images by using the emotions and feelings I felt through reminiscing. This is what makes my memories unique to me, because anybody could look at my memorable objects, but wouldn't be able to interpret them the same way I would.

Collecting certain images and objects helped with developing colour swatches. Using my mind map to obtain abstract words, has shown me who I am despite how others perceive me. Its almost like I have 2 personalities, or layers to my personality, which are expressed in certain situations and environments. The mind map has also shown me that I am quite a contradicting character. I would like to use opposites in my work to show this type of characteristic.

Mind map:
resulting in abstract emotions

The most successful image in my sketchbook today is the painting of the pink novelty whistle, because I enjoyed experiencing it again by creating it through another form of media. I enjoyed using colours freely in order to make the memory seem more abstract.
Pink Novelty Whistle

As an improvement, I felt like I needed to experiment with with my memories further, but wasn't sure how to do this - I'd like to see if any feedback would help with this.

I think I need to be more hands on and impulsive, rather than thinking about the task for too long - otherwise I won't get anything done. I might do this by developing simple aspects of my research rather than think how this is going to become a garment or textile without developing it.

I want to experiment with dreams, because they are unique to me and my lifestyle, therefore I will start a dream journal and the descriptions to create abstract artwork. In addition, I will concentrate on using different media to create interesting designs and textures.

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