Thursday, 6 March 2014

Culture - WEEK 1

The two cultures I decided to use for my project, was the Suffragettes and Maya. I thought this was a good contracts, because they are from different countries and time periods. I began to look at books and the museum such as the British Museum and the Museum of London. I think i was put off at how different the two culture were because they had nothing to do with each other, but resolved this by firstly finding a common ground: Both cultures made sacrifices in some way. For instance, the suffragettes sacrifices their traditional way of life for a better future - so i looked at the instruments they used to protest, such as the belts they used to chain themselves to rails. In mayan culture, they believed human sacrifices helped to prevent the end of their world. During the ritual of human sacrifice, the colour blue was used on their bodies - I wanted to used the mayan culture for my colour scheme, because i thought they were more interesting than 19th century colour schemes.

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