Tuesday 5 November 2013

Identity & Self - WEEK 5 - Knit

I enjoyed this week because I like using knitted fabrics and we were able to experiment with different techniques.

This was the first time I had used a kitting machine and was a very different method to hand knitting, dispite some aspects being somewhat familiar. 

I liked the fact that there were different techniques to try, but I felt like the lessons could be geared towards making a collection that was specific to out identities. I felt like the lessons weren't challenging me to use them specifically to our brief. I was glad the machine that I used worked correctly, as I learned that they could be stubborn and temperamental. 

My favourite techniques used were the honeycomb, ladder and the 3D knit. These had the most interesting texture, plus the ladder and honeycomb had a spiderweb aspect to it, which assists my theme. I took an interest to the the 3D knit because I tried to replicate it in a previous project where I looked at Japanese designers such as Issey Miyake and Rei Kawakubo. I would have liked to experiment with this type of knit and work it into my theme.

If I have time I will develop a knit collection that is relation to this project.

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